Closing Attorneys and Realtors

Closing Attorneys and Realtors may contact Tyrone Tavelez, Treasurer for Association Membership status and balances due (if any) for properties, subject to closing

2013 Membership Dues - $350.00

Annual Membership Dues

Dues for the Calumet Woods Homeowners Association are paid Annually.

The Association Fiscal Year is January 1, through December 31.

The Annual Membership Dues are due March 1, however cover the current calendar year.

Payment of Dues past the Due Date, will result in a Late Fee of 10% of any upaid balance of annual dues. As a result, a $2.50 per month installment fee is added to all unpaid balance, plus Interest in the amount of 10% per annum of the total unpaid balance.

Please consider this....

When a member home is delinquent in paying annual dues, that homeowner is for all practical purposes using the association as a creditor (just like a credit card company.) In fact, borrowing an amount of money equal to the Association Dues. The "borrowing" of this money from the Association does not come without a cost.

The Board of Directors would prefer to not collect one dime in late fees and/or penalties. Payment in full by the Due Date will defer all of those costs. There will be no exception, or discount of late fees.

Members "In Good Standing"

Members who have paid dues current and met their obligations, are eligible for full membership priviledges of the Calumet Woods Homeowners Association. Member homes who are not in compliance are prohibited from use of amenities or any other rights or priviledges afforded to members in Good Standing.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Merry Christmas !!

We hope everyone has a Merry Christmas. Mostly we pray for a safe holiday for everyone. Remember with Seasonal Lights, and Lighted Christmas Trees; the door is open for an accidental fire. Please use caution when using extension cords, and candles this season. For a "Safety Checklist" click Merry Christmas in the title for a free download.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Budget Approval

On December 2, 2009, a special called meeting of the Board of Directors was held. Pursuant to Board of Directors Resolution (B.O.D. Res 08-04) the FY 2009 Operating Budget was adopted.

For a copy of the adopted Budget, click the Title Link "Budget Approval" above.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Annual Meeting - October 5th

The annual meeting was held at the tennis courts on October 5, 2008 with Vann Mobley, CEO presiding. Financial and State of the Association Reports were given. The Association remains solvent financially And, as reported, The Calumet Woods Homeowners Association is surviving better that most associations.

Elections were held, following a motion from the Nominating Committee. Serving the 2009 term is Vann Mobley, President/ CEO; Jennifer Martinez, Secretary, Russell McDaniel, Treasurer / CFO, & Sonya Lightner, Board Member-At-Large.

Discussions were held regarding future projects. More specifically; renovation of the tennis courts into a Tennis / Basketball Court Combination. Also, development/design of New Subdivision Signs at each of the three subdivision entrances (Calumet Drive, Calumet Circle, and Northwest Court)

Invoices for 2009 will be sent after New Years Day. As last year, payments may be made prior to the April 15 due date without monthly installment fees. $300 is Due by April 15 to avoid any late penalty of 10% of any unpaid balance, or $2.50 monthly installment fee. Payment may be made in Cash, Money Order or Check by US Mail or Drop Box, or in Person. Credit Card payment may be made on this site (right hand column) using PayPal. A 5% surcharge is added for Credit Card service charges. Total $315.00 with Credit Card.

Looking forward to a great year in 2009,

The Board

Friday, August 29, 2008

2008 Annual Meeting - October 5th

The annual meeting has been set for Sunday October 5, 2008 @ 4:00 p.m to be held at the pool. Should there be inclement weather, an alternate location will be determined.

Official notice will be sent in the mail within the next few days, along with an agenda for the meeting. Many Important topics will be discussed, including projects completed, underway, and planned for the future. Financial Reports and State of the Association will be given.

Term for Board Members will expire at the end of the calendar/fiscal year 2008. Election of officers will be held. Vann Mobley, President; at the direction of the Board has (or will within the next week if you haven't been notified) appointed a Nominating Committee.

The Nominating Committee will report a recommendation of Officers for 2009. Nominations from the floor will also be heard. Immediately following the closing of nominations, elections will be held.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Covenants and By-laws

Some have asked for copies of the Covenants and By-laws for the association. They can be found at

Friday, April 11, 2008

Membership Meeting - Work Day

In order for the pool to open on May 19th, a lot of work has had to be done. Additionally, more needs to be done. As has been said in recent correspondence, The Board of Directors isn't asking for anymore money...we just need your hands and backs for help.
Saturday May 17, 2008, we will hold a Membership Meeting at the Pool. The time will be announced later, (but it will be before noon) A few items need voting on by the Membership. Following the meeting we will hold a work session to get a few items in order, and we will have lunch provided for all those working. Please...we need your attendance.

Friday, March 28, 2008

2008 Membership Dues

Membership Dues for 2008 will be considered late if not received by April 15th 2008. A monthly installment will be assessed in the amount of $2.50 plus 10% of the unpaid balance for accounts not paid by that date. Money received for dues payments will be credited to any older balance first, and then applied to current assessments.

Any member whose 2008 dues are not paid, will not be allowed to use Neighborhood Amenities until their account is paid in full. This is the only fair solution to those members who make their payments as required. (That means the common areas, picnic tables, and yep...the swimming pool too.)

Please submit your dues payment timely. MANY...many members in our neighborhood paid their dues early in the quarter. And your Board Member Officers who consequently volunteer our time without any compensation have paid in full.

Everyone has their own burdens (including us) but we all need to contribute to our obligations responsibly as we should.

Thanks for those who have already..and I appreciate those who will get their dues submitted promptly.